Download Soal UCUN DKI 2019 Bahasa Inggris PDF DOC
Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris UCUN DKI Jakarta Tahun 2019 Format PDF DOC
Download Soal dan Kunci Jawaban UCUN DKI 2019 Bahasa Inggris PDF DOC – Banyak sekali dari rekan-rekan guru SMP agar web Rukim.ID menyediakan link Download Soal UCUN DKI 2019 Bahasa Inggris, IPA, Bahasa Indonesia dan Matematika. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, admin Rukim.ID baru bisa menyediakan soal UCUN DKI 2019 IPA dan Matematika, kali ini saya share mapel Bahasa Inggris dua paket soal. Ke depan saya siapkan juga Soal UCUN Bahasa Indonesia Try Out DKI 2019.
Download Soal UCUN DKI 2019 Bahasa Inggris PDF DOC
Dalam paket soal Uji Coba UN DKI Jakarta 2019 mapel Bahasa Inggris ini sudah disediakan pula kunci jawaban dan atau pembahasan soalnya. Namun, jawaban tersebut belum tentu benar. Oleh sebab itu dibahas bareng-bareng dengan teman atau guru kalian ya untuk memastikan kebenaran kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris.
Soal UCUN DKI Jakarta banyak dicari guru dan murid. Ini disebabkan karena kemiripan soal try out dengan soal yang keluar di UN baik UNBK atau UNKP. Namun, secara pribadi saya selaku admin (yang juga guru) tidak membenarkan pernyataan tersebut. Saya berpikir itu disebabkan karena murid-murid sudah terbiasa belajar mempersiapkan UN sehingga terasa mudah dan merasa dejavu (perasaan pernah mengerjakan di waktu lampau). Tapi, bisa juga sih kalau try out atau UCUN sebagai sarana validasi soal, mengukur daya beda dll hehehe.
Di bawah ini beberapa soal yang muncul di UCUN DKI 2019:
Contoh Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris DKI 2019
I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks. Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus. But of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money. Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.
What is the text about?
A. Spending the day with fun activities
B. An exciting experience
C. Enjoying the day
D. A horrible experience
Why did the writer have to be hurried to do all activities that day?
A. He had to catch up the bus
B. He woke up an hour late
C. He got a time to spend
D. He had no alarm
Download Soal UCUN DKI 2019 Bahasa Inggris PDF DOC
Contoh Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris DKI 2019
On last Wednesday, I’ve got unforgettable experience. The day before, I played game on- line until 00.00 am. Because of that I woke up late. It was about 7.30 am and the class would be started at 8.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I used to have breakfast before leaving home, but on that day It was impossible. I always rode motorcycle to go. But what an amazing thing happened, I forgot where I put the key. So, I went to campus by public transportation. Of course, it took longer time. I arrived at 8.15 am, I hurried to get to class but I saw my lecturer was standing in front of the class to teach. I entered to my class and you know what, he was angry to me and didn’t let me to join his material. It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.
What should you learn from the text? We should ….
A. keep our motorcycle key at the right place
B. have our breakfast every morning
C. obey our lecturers‟ regulation
D. manage our time correctly
Why didn‟t the lecturer let the writer getting to the class? Because …
A. the lecturer has finished his material
B. the writer came late to the class that day
C. the lecturer was really upset to the writer
D. the writer entered the class without permission
Baca juga :
Download soal dan kunci jawaban UCUN DKI 2019 Mapel Matematika
Download soal dan kunci jawaban UCUN DKI 2019 Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Download soal dan kunci jawaban UCUN DKI 2019 Mapel Bahasa Indonesia
Download soal dan kunci jawaban UCUN DKI 2019 Mapel IPA
Download 260 Soal UCUN IPA 2019
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Download Soal dan Kunci Jawaban UCUN DKI 2019 Bahasa Inggris Paket 1
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Demikian tadi kumpulan soal uji coba ujian nasional wilayah DKI Jakarta tahun 2019. Semoga dengan adanya soal-soal ini dapat memberi rasa percaya diri yang lebih kepada murid-murid SMP dalam menghadapi UNBK dan UNKP 2019, Bulan April 2019 mendatang terutama mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
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