Download Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris US USBN 2020 SMA PDF

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Download Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris US USBN 2020 SMA PDF – Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional USBN 2020 dihapus, dan diganti dengan Ujian Yang Diselenggarakan Satuan Pendidikan UYDSP 2020 atau Ujian Satuan Pendidikan 2020 atau Ujian Sekolah 2020. Berikut ini adalah link Download Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris US USBN 2020 SMA PDF.

Download Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris US USBN 2020 SMA PDF

Untuk soal yang dibagikan ini adalah saya ambil dari koleksi pribadi tentang soal prediksi yang telah disusun semirip mungkin dan bahkan persis dengan soal US 2020 sesuai dengan indikator kisi-kisi US 2020 jadi dapat dijadikan referensi dan sumber belajar untuk menebak soal seperti apa yang barangkali keluar pada saat Ujian Sekolah 2020.

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Berikut ini adalah contoh soal US USBN 2020, untuk LINK DOWNLOAD berada di paling bawah. Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris ini cocok untuk persiapan mengerjakan US USBN 2020.

One day, there lived a monkey. He lived up on the trees. He never showed himself to others. He was too shy to show himself. He thought that he was not attractive at all. He only searched for fruits and took them back up to the tall trees. Nobody ever talked to him. He knew no one and no one knew him as well

One morning, he heard a screaming sound. He was not paying full attention at first, but it did not stop. He then climbed the tall tress. There he saw a young buffalo stuck under the fallen tree. “Please help me” said the young buffalo. The monkey was afraid that the buffalo would laugh at him in the end. “please, if you don’t lift the tree, I will die in any second. For the God’s sake, please lift it”. Slowly, the monkey lifted the tree.

The young buffalo was finally freed. Then he said “thank you very much, let me take you to my house to meet my parents”. “no” said the monkey “I am afraid the your parents will laugh at me”. Confused, the buffalo asked “why? No, my parents will not laugh at you?” it was very hard for buffalo to convince him that nothing would ever happen. Monkey kept refusing buffalo but he did noy surrender.

The monkey finally joined the young buffalo home. Buffalo’s house was not far from the monkey’s tree. It was a big house with large yard at front. The monkey felt ashamed again but Buffalo pushed his spirit  He met the parents of the young buffalo. They all cried in happiness. They could not stop thanking the monkey. Since then, the monkey learned that he was accepted by the good value not by the physical looks. 

16. What kind of text is the above passage ?
A. Recount text
B. Narrative
C. Explanatory
D. Hortatory
E. News item

17. Where does the story take place?
A. In a city
B. by the river
C. In the suburban
D. Near the oceans
E. Deep in the jungle

18. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Stay away from others
B. Never talk to strangers
C. Don’t get stuck under a tree
D. Never be ashamed of yourselves
E. Be shy to show who you really are

19. The word “he” in line 1 paragraph 2 refers to…
A. Buffalo
B. Monkey
C. Buffalo’s father
D. Boffalo’s mother
E. The buffalo family

20. The word “confused’ in paragraph 3 is similar with…
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Excited
D. Puzzled
E. Frightened

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"Seorang pendidik asal kampung yang ingin berbagi ilmu untuk semua". Jangan pernah menghitung berapa banyak yang akan kita terima, namun pikirkan dan laksanakan berapa banyak yang akan kita berikan untuk orang lain.

2 Komentar

  1. Salam gan selamat pagi.
    Apakah ada audio untuk listenin sma bahasa inggrisnya gan ?pliz send to my whats app. Smoga jadi amal ibadah bagi kita semua.

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